Maintaining Healthy Body Posture With Comfortable Chairs & Yoga

Have you ever wondered ‘Why did our ancestors have such a long, healthy life?' How come they were so fit? What are we missing? Well, let me tell you honestly; we’re missing out on a lot! The food we eat, the kind of environment we reside in, our habits, our lifestyle all contribute to degrading our health. Along with all other things, maintaining a fit body also depends upon the type of chair you fit it. You can go for Office Chairs in Mumbai, as having a large selection one can opt for Office Chairs in Mumbai as office workers mainly develop a busy life where they forget about their health. These Office chairs in Mumbai are very helpful for their spine. You know what else the position of yoga is,. Some of them are mentioned below.

    Yoga asana brings harmony in mind, body and soul. It soothes our body; whereas, the gym focuses on getting our body in shape.

    A gym workout may leave you feel exhausted and tired but practicing yoga asana may instantly boost energy. You’ll feel rejuvenated.

    Yoga asanas will ease all the aches and pains; whereas, gym workout may cause strain which may lead to injuries and soreness.

    You can practice yoga asanas anywhere without any equipment.


This asana is beneficial to strengthen and regulate the functions of lungs, liver and pancreas. It helps in increasing blood circulation and maintaining the sugar level. It's good for reducing belly fat and developing six-pack abs. 3-4 repetitions daily are enough. Do not overdo it.

Ardha Matsyendrasana

This asana is basically the stretching of the entire spinal cord. It’s effective in strengthening the spine and bringing flexibility. It cures constipation and indigestion and supplies oxygen to the lungs. It cures back pains and is beneficial especially for slipped disc patients. It is helpful in treatment of diabetes, cervical spondylitis and urinary tract disorder. 2 repetitions daily are enough. Do the twisting from both sides.


This super easy pose works miracles! It strengthens your chest, back muscles, spine, abdomen and shoulders. It improves posture, calms your mind and increases focus and concentration. You can repeat according to your preference but remember don’t overdo.


This pose is a member of the Surya Namaskar family. This pose reduces back pain. It tones the legs, shoulders, gluteal muscles providing you a robust body and perky bottom. It eases asthma and nourishes the brain. This pose effectively works on every aspect of the body and provides satisfactory results.

Surya Namaskar

It consists of 9 asanas together to form 1 set of Surya Namaskar. It comes packed with a lot of amazing health benefits. It promotes weight loss, improves blood circulation, tones muscles and improves flexibility. It also brings a healthy glow to your face. It helps in reducing mood swings and brings more emotional stability.


It’s also called a triangle pose. It stimulates and improves the function of blood throughout the entire body. It provides flexibility to groins, hamstrings and hips. It stimulates the function of the kidney. This asana improves balance and concentration. 3-5 repetitions are enough from both sides.








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